College Centrefold

for internal bottom roller timber doors hinged to a post or floating

  • For applications where the weight has to be taken on the floor
  • Two systems available for doors weighing up to 70kg or 140kg
  • Doors are supported centrally under the lintel
  • Doors can fold to one or both sides

College Centrefold is a high quality, bottom roller system that is ideally suited for high class joinery installations due to its visible parts being finished in an attractive finish. The system is suitable for any width of opening as any number of doors can be used.

Folding units of up to seven full doors can be hinged to post whilst floating leaves must be in configurations of three, five or seven doors with a clearance of 2mm between each door.


College offers the opportunity to house access doors in the form of a swing door or a wicket door contained within one of the doors. It is essential that all doors are of equal width, instructions to calculate the optimum width for your opening size can be found in the fitting instructions or by using our no obligation EXPERT specification software. It is worth noting that door leaves should be constructed to provide secure fixings for bottom rollers, hinges and top guide rollers and can either be flush, panelled or glazed. Minimum 200mm bottom rails and 150mm stiles are also recommended.



ProductMaximum Door WeightStandard Door ThicknessMaximum Door WidthMaximum Door HeightDoor MaterialApplication
College Centrefold 7070kg44mm900mm3600mmWoodInterior
College Centrefold 140140kg54mm900mm5500mmWoodInterior
College Centrefold 70 DatasheetDownload
College Centrefold 140 DatasheetDownload
College Centrefold Joinery InstructionsDownload